Monday, October 31, 2011

Wellness Is Our Inherited Right

Wellness Is Our Inherited Right

written by Dr. Sima Goel D.C. Montreal Chiropractor

We are living in a sick society. Too many people are sick, dying of heart attacks and cancer at too early an age. Too much promise is being cut down too soon. We recently lost another genius, Steve Jobs, who had much more to contribute to our world, to the ravages of cancer. Why are these monstrous diseases threatening all of us?

We are trained to believe that we have no responsibility for our health. The decline in health and the rapid increase in sickness and disease are attributed to bad germs, bad genes, and bad luck. Is there any scientific research to prove these widespread beliefs? I have checked to find out if this is true. In my research I found that our genes have not changed for thousands of years but our rate of sickness has increased dramatically over the past fifty years. As we decrease our physical activity, stuff our diets with processed food and live in extreme, on-going, mental stress our disease rate has soared. In the richest part of the world, with every amenity, possibility and choice at our fingertips, we are getting visibly sicker.

The natural state of a plant is a healthy one. If it begins to wither and turn brown, we don’t chop off branches, cut off roots, or stuff it with medication. We give it more sunlight and more water. We improve its natural environment.

The natural state of a human being is a healthy state of being. Our living environment has become an unhealthy environment, incompatible with the survival of our genes, and eventually our body gives us symptoms. Instead of listening to our body we silence it, with painkillers, drugs, or by removing the offending body part.

Symptoms are our bodies’ warning signs, similar to a fire alarm in the house. No one takes the battery out of the fire alarm and goes back to sleep. Yet in North America, we do precisely that to our most precious asset: our health.

I am disturbed when I see people who are unable to enjoy a good night’s sleep, or go for a walk, digest or eliminate their food properly, or catching every bug floating around, living with ongoing colds, flus and runny noses. These people blame their health problems on “the weather” – either too cold or too hot – or on getting older. As I have said for the last two decades: getting old is a blessing; feeling old is a curse.

The quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves. Instead of asking: What is wrong with me? What medication should I take to get rid of the symptom? I suggest that we ask: Why I am sick? How I can get well and stay well? What is poisoning my body? What am I doing on a regular basis that is bad for me? Am I watching too much TV? Sitting too much? Worrying too much? Eating too much processed food?

What do I lack in my life? Do I tell myself daily that I love myself? Do I exercise daily? Do I eat enough servings of fruits and vegetables daily? Do I take care of my nervous system by seeing a chiropractor on regular bases? We have to define what it means to be healthy. Health has a direct correlation with how we live in mind, body and spirit. In order to be well we have to live well. Thinking well, eating well and moving well are part of a whole-care way of living. This all depends on healthy nervous system. No pain is a natural way of being. If we have pain this is nature’s red flag that we are not healthy. When we are in pain we can’t think straight. Chiropractic examination determines the root cause of the pain and your general state of health.

The level of health we find ourselves in today is an accumulation of all our living habits from the past. If we want to live the many years coming to us in a healthier, happier state, we need to change our behaviour starting today by incorporating healthy habits into our daily lives. If we don’t change our ways of being, our illnesses will continue to haunt us more frequently in the future. Einstein said it succintly: the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

We can no longer leave our most precious asset to chance. Let’s take responsibility for our health. Our lifestyle choices of today impact our lives of tomorrow.

Choose wisely. Choose well, and live a life brimming with good health. It is our natural right. Evaluate the state of your nervous system by having a chiropractic check up.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Make it an enjoyable habit to take a brisk walk everyday.

Dr. Goel’s office is located in Décarie Square, 6900 Décarie Blvd., Suite 3123, third floor

(near Human Resources Canada). Free parking. For an appointment, call (514) 344-6118. Most private insurance plans cover chiropractic care.

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